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Friday, September 02, 2011

Friday's Faux Paw

I’m back! Now that everyone is not wearing their pyjamas in public anymore, I will let you know about another faux paw. Working out is a great way to combat aging, have more energy, and stay thin – so great that humans have special outfits to do it in. I workout everyday too by running around the yard, going for walks, and playing a mean game of tug o’ war or frisbee. Then a company came along that rhymes with “foofoo zemin” and decided it’s okay to wear workout gear shopping, doing errands, to work, family functions, and *gasp* to church. THIS IS NOT OKAY! Workout gear belongs on humans when they are working out! And from what I’ve seen, many of the humans who are wearing workout gear haven’t been working out and shouldn’t be wearing anything form fitting. Those who follow a brand because everyone else does are sheeple – people who are sheep. At least throw on a pair of jeans. People will respect you more. 


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