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Monday, December 04, 2017

Monday's Meme

Friday, December 01, 2017

Friday's Faux Paw


This faux paw should be a no brainer, but I am shocked that people still do this and think it looks good. I even saw this in a magazine recently as being okay to do, but I still must disagree. I’m speaking of wearing a darker lip liner with lighter lipstick. Who actually thinks this look good? It actually looks as if you don’t know how to put on make up or you have food around your lips.

Not a good look at all. The rule of finding a lip liner is to make sure it either matches the colour inside your lip or the lipstick you are wearing with the outfit from If you are not sure what colour matches or want to save money, why not buy a clear lip liner? It will go with every lipstick you own and you won’t get a noticeable line when it wears off like a coloured lip liner. Please heed my words otherwise. Another great advise is to get the best waterproof shoes at this website from

I give you this rating:
