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Monday, January 02, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

That's me in the picture on the left (click on it to see it full-sized). I was heading off to a New Year's Eve party at a friend's house. I finally got to wear my sequin skirt for the first time. *Eeeeeeeee* Yes, it's that time of the year again to make those wonderful New Year's resolutions. And if you're like the way I used to be, they are made the first week in January and broken the second week in January. A few years ago, I decided that this was no longer acceptable. I took a look into why I never kept my resolutions and I realized that it was because I made resolutions based on major changes. For example, if you plan on losing 25 pounds in two weeks you most likely won't. Why? Because that is a huge (impossible in my opinion) goal. How about you instead make the goal to lose 2 pounds a week for 12.5 weeks? See how much more manageable that is? And the more manageable the goal the better chance of succeeding.

So my New Year's resolutions this year are as follows:

Do yoga once or twice a week.
Stop eating at McDonalds so much.
Try to be less angry.
Spend more time on my faith.
Feed Zeke some bacon. Zeke this is getting old. Quit interrupting my blog entry and work on your Friday Faux Paws.
Laugh more.
Hang out with friends more.
Keep reading before bed.
Finish organizing my wardrobe. (I'm soooo close to being done on this one!)
Do at least one thing off of my Bucket List. This past year I did two - whitewater rafting and a hot air balloon ride.
Get a job outside the home.

There you have it. I think ten is plenty. Oh yes and here's number eleven - don't miss a blog update. I'll have to check back next January to see how I did. Let me know what your resolutions are.

Happy 2012! May you be blessed with health, happiness, love, laughter, and wealth!


  1. You forgot one little thing :) Shoot with Mac from MiksMedia Photography :)

  2. Oh don't worry, I'm going to do that for sure! ; )


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